Run JavaScript

Maestro is not a JavaScript testing framework, but we recognize not everything can (or should) be written in YAML. That's why we have JavaScript support.

There are several ways to run JavaScript, depending on your needs.

Right now, Rhino is the default JavaScript engine in Maestro, but we intend to make GraalJS the default soon and then deprecate and remove Rhino. We recommend everyone to opt-in to use GraalJS.

Learn more about GraalJS support.


Everything within ${} blocks is evaluated as JavaScript, allowing you to insert dynamically computed values into any other Maestro command.

appId: com.example
  MY_NAME: John
- launchApp
- inputText: ${1 + 1}               # Inputs '2'
- inputText: ${'Hello ' + MY_NAME}  # Inputs 'Hello John'
- tapOn: ${MY_NAME}                 # Taps on element with text 'John'

Run file

If you want to run a JavaScript file you can use the runScript command:


Passing parameters

runScript accepts env parameters, in the same way as runFlow does (see Nested Flows).

Passing a parameter:

- runScript:
    file: script.js
       myParameter: Parameter

Reading a parameter in JavaScript:

const readPassedParameter = myParameter;
console.log(readPassedParameter); // Outputs 'Parameter'


For very simple computations (like the one above), creating a new file might be cumbersome. For this use case you can use the evalScript command:


Inbuilt functions & properties

Whilst the JavaScript environment is limited, there are a few inbuilt things that can be used:

object maestro

The maestro object contains the following properties:

Field NameValue


Results of the copyTextFrom command. See Access element text


The platform the test is running on. Either ios or android

The maestro.platform value is useful for conditional logic that differs between Android and iOS. For example, you might want to handle location permission differently:

- runScript: setPermissionsVars.js
- tapOn: "Enable Location"
- assertVisible: ${output.locationPermissionAlert}
- tapOn: ${output.locationPermissionButton}
// setPermissionsVars.js
if (maestro.platform === 'ios') {
    output.locationPermissionAlert = "This app uses your location to show you information about your local environment"
    output.locationPermissionButton = "Allow"
if (maestro.platform === 'android') {
    output.locationPermissionAlert = "Allow access to this device's location?"
    output.locationPermissionButton = "While using the app"

function relativePoint

The relativePoint function converts decimal values to string percentages, which is the format that Maestro commands expect.

- evalScript: ${output.specialPoint = relativePoint(0.13, 0.56)}
- tapOn:
    point: ${output.specialPoint} # Taps on the point '13%,56%'


The following inbuilt functions are documented in Make HTTP requests:

  • http.request

  • http.get


  • http.put

  • http.delete

  • json

Last updated