iOS - UIKit

Maestro fully supports native iOS UIKit apps.

Interacting with views by text

Any view with text content can be tapped on, i.e.:

let button = UIButton()
button.setTitle("Hello World", for: .normal)

Can be tapped in the following way:

tapOn: Hello World

Interacting with views by accessibility labels

Views can be accessed by their accessibility labels. For example:

let button = UIButton()
button.accessibilityLabel = "Hello World button"

Can be tapped in the following way:

tapOn: Hello World button

NB! maestro translates accessibilityIdentifier to id while accessibilityLabel is translated to text. When an element has both some text content and accessibilityLabel assigned the latter will be picked as a value for text by maestro framework.

Interacting with views by accessibility ids

Views can be accessed by their accessibility ids. For example:

let button = UIButton()
button.accessibilityIdentifier = "hello_world_id"

Can be tapped in the following way:

- tapOn:
    id: "hello_world_id"
Getting Started

Known Limitations

  1. Maestro can't interact with real iOS devices yet. Only Simulator is supported at the moment.

Last updated