Android - Views

Maestro fully supports native Android apps. Maestro tests can also run on real hardware devices.

Getting Started

Interacting with views by text

Any view with a text property can be tapped on:

    android:text="Hello World" />

Can be tapped in the following way:

tapOn: Hello World

Interacting with views by id

Views can be accessed by their ids. For example:

    android:text="Hello World" />

Can be tapped in the following way:

- tapOn:
    id: myButton

Interacting with views by contentDescription

contentDescription field is surfaced as text property and can be interacted in the same way as any view containing text:

    android:contentDescription="Hello World" />

This view can then be tapped using the following command:

- tapOn: Hello World

Known Limitations

  1. Unicode text input is not yet currently supported. Though views that have unicode in them can still be interacted with.

Last updated