Start Device

Maestro offers a few convenience methods to start or create a device

You can use Maestro to create an Android emulator or an iOS simulator.

The device configurations are similar to the ones hosted on Robin. Using such devices will help you create Robin compatible flows.

Start an Android emulator using Maestro

You can start by running

maestro start-device --platform android

This will create a default Android emulator (Pixel 6, Google API 30). If the device already exists, it will simply launch it.

For full options run maestro start-device

Note: Device configurations are limited to a few recommended OS versions and devices. Such configurations work well with Maestro and Robin.

Start an iOS simulator using Maestro

You can start by running

maestro start-device --platform ios

This will create a default iOS simulator (iPhone11, iOS 15.5). If the device already exists, it will simply launch it.

For full options run maestro start-device

Note: Device configurations are limited to a few recommended os versions and devices. Such configurations work well with Maestro and Robin.

Last updated

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