Workspace configuration

The following properties can be configured on the workspace as a whole as part of the workspace configuration, or global config file as you might also call it.

Maestro configuration

  • flows: inclusion patterns regarding what Flows to include (docs). Optional.

  • includeTags: list of tags to include on each run (docs). Optional.

  • excludeTags: list of tags to exclude on each run (docs). Optional.

  • local:

    • deterministicOrder: when enabled, Flows will be run in alphabetical order (docs). Optional.

Maestro Cloud configuration

There are other workspace configuration options available that relate to Maestro Cloud which are not outlined here. Please refer to the Maestro Cloud documentation for more information.

# .maestro/config.yaml

# Maestro config
  - "subFolder/*"
  - tagNameToInclude
  - tagNameToExclude
  deterministicOrder: true

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