
This is an experimental feature powered by LLM technology. All feedback is welcome.

- assertWithAI:
    assertion: Login and password text fields are visible.

Takes a screenshot, uploads it to an LLM with a pre-made prompt combined with assertion, and asks the model if assertion is true.

When to use?

We hope for assertWithAI to be useful when it's hard (or even impossible) to write the assertion using default assertion commands.

Asserting the presence of a two-factor authentication prompt is a good example.

- assertWithAI:
    assertion: A two-factor authentication prompt, with space for 6 digits, is visible.



Output is generated in HTML and JSON formats in the folder for the individual test run:

└── tests
    ├── 2024-08-20_213616
    │   ├── ai-(My first flow).json
    │   ├── ai-(My second flow).json
    │   ├── ai-report-(My first flow).html
    │   ├── ai-report-(My second flow).html


AI configuration

Last updated