
This is an experimental feature powered by LLM technology. All feedback is welcome.

- assertNoDefectsWithAI

Takes a screenshot, uploads it to an LLM with a pre-made prompt, and asks the model if it sees any common defects in the provided screenshot.

Common defects include text and UI elements being cut off, overlapping, or not being centered within their containers.

When to use?

We hope for assertNoDefectsWithAI to be used as a "smoke test" for parts of your app that you want to ensure that "look right".



Output is generated in HTML and JSON formats in the folder for the individual test run:

└── tests
    ├── 2024-08-20_213616
    │   ├── ai-(My first flow).json
    │   ├── ai-(My second flow).json
    │   ├── ai-report-(My first flow).html
    │   ├── ai-report-(My second flow).html


AI configuration

Last updated